Perhaps you’d enjoy such a thing? Consider the following: not from the Twilight Zone, but for your approval: folding bikes. Seen any lately? At Yanko, we’ve had several. Lots of them have parallel features, the most common being the amount of collapsing the bike does. With this most recent inception into the folding hall, the “Antares Lift,” we get front stem, handle bars, seat, and back wheel, all folding up into the bike.
Above: “Antares Lift” by Hideki Kawata. It’s folded shape is inspired by a tear drop and an orchid leaf. Single-speed drive, LED lights. To fold the bike: lift up center latch and let the wheels roll together to click.
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In no particular order, the Yanko Bike Folding Archive!
GrassHopper The Folding Recumbent Bike : 96 x 60 x 70 cm at it’s smallest size. GrassHopper The Folding Recumbent Bike
A-Bike : Weight: 5.5 kg, folding time: 10 seconds, enclosed chain system (it’s like a secret bonus!) : A-Bike – Folding Bicycle by Daka Design
GrassHopper (electric) : This version is an electric bike that can be folded down as well as charged, for those times when pedaling is crappy : This Grasshopper Folds and Generates Electricity
One : Statisticless but rendered in a way that makes the bike appear (basically) intuitive : maybe the lightest of the bunch? : ‘One’ – Folding Bicycle by Thomas Owen
Fold much? How close are any of these to a functional design that you’d be unable to resist? What do you look for in a folding bike? Is it really necessary to fold a bike in an environment that’s been built to cater to bikes nearly everywhere? Where will I put my folded bike once I’ve brought it into the office?
All these questions for the folded few. Bike on.
Designer: Multiple Designers. Click each picture for more info.