Yanko Design

Zero Boundaries Design Competition Results

Competitions are healthy coz it brings out the best in you. It did so for many folks who took part in the Zero Boundaries Design Competition. On YD we did run you the details a while back and here are the results. Winners were awarded in two categories: solutions targeted specifically at today’s youth and more forward-looking solutions for the designers’ target of choice. Skip ahead for the results.

First Place


iPhone mania continues with this iteration of a an iPhone docking station with an embedded ZINK printer that works with an exclusive iPhone app. It allows you to print all your online stuff in a jiffy, making you iProud!

Designer: Patrick Schuur, Maketropolis from The Netherlands


Size doesn’t matter to the Mini Giant, which is a robotic printer that self-propels itself over a sheet of ZINK Paperto create a print.

Designer: Paula Adina Sumalan from Romania

Second Place


An inexpensive digital art camera with a built-in ZINK printer is what could tide us through these recession times!

Designers: Axis Design from USA


The Hanshi system features six small wireless digital cameras that fit into a portable viewing unit with a built-in ZINKprinter.

Designers: Axis Design, USA

Third Place


The Phiary is mash of photo plus diary and is a ZINK Paper notebook and ZINK device system that revolutionizes physical diaries and notebooks for the digital age. It allows the printing of photos and images directly onto diary or notebook pages.

Designer: Guo Xiaolin, Chinese Design Student


The ZINK Pen screams Mobility! It’s a digital pen that can write, scan, and print!

Designer: Jeffrey Gerlach and Nicholas Matarese, Design student, Syracuse University, USA

People’s Choice


The SmartBC is a portable ZINKenabled business card printer that creates customized, on-demand business cards, wherever your business takes you.

Designer: Arthur Ditlef from Brazil

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