Yanko Design

Stir Fry Kids

No, we’re not cannibals; and kids are precious too. I just wanted to introduce you to a new lineup called Wedo – a table top induction cooking system that allows children to learn the art of Stir-fry cooking without the risks. The system includes a chopping board, individual insulated cooking pods with anti-spill lid, and an induction cooking plate. The external temperature in this system doesn’t exceed 35ºC, which is good enough for Stir-frying.

Heat resistant properties of ‘Polysulfone’ and Silicon Rubber have been incorporated to the design.

As a mother of two children I know I would want this for my children. The concept is quite indulgent and I wonder how many kids will actually use a specialized Stir-fry cooker. I mean aren’t all kids allergic to healthy meals; don’t they all want fries n cookies n burgers!

Designer: Jonny Freeman

Wedo Safe Table Top Cooking Appliance For Children by Jonny Freeman




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