Yanko Design

Do Jiggy To Get Sterile

Toothbrushes! Only Sterile Toothbrushes…I promise! The deal is that some folks think it’s high time we had a system to sterilize toothbrushes as they are a breeding ground for some awful Bacteria. One of the ways suggested is to somehow harness our 700 stokes (if you brush for 3 minutes) to kinetic energy, which in turn powers the UV LED in the toothbrush to do some Bacteria zapping. To cut the chase, use Shake Toothbrush, jiggy = dry, sterile toothbrush!

Designers: Hak Hyeon Ryu & Gil Ho Jin

Shake Toothbrush – Kinetic Powered Ultra Violet Sterilization For Toothbrushes by Hak Hyeon Ryu & Gil Ho Jin




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