Yanko Design

Globen Up Your Life

Lemme ask you this, do you know what a tureen is? Chances are you’ve got one in your home, beware! It’s a dish with a cover, basically. More like a bowl. And lots and lots of people have it, or something like it. Our pal Apostol Tnokovski saw this particular piece of kitchenware as essential, common, and in sore need of an update. So A.T. decided to turn up the volume, making this dish a globe.

A globe of pure food-holding loveliness. With a cap integrated on a rail mechanism, this tureen opens with ease by sliding. Thus adding to the pure perfection of the form.

I’m gonna need more lights and floating though if we’re gonna ever be able to drive this like a spaceship!


Designer: Apostol Tnokovski

Sphere Tureen by Apostol Tnokovski



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