Yanko Design

Paint Like a Rollerpro!

It slices, it dices, it cuts pizza into fifteen bits! It’s the “Delux Paint Pod Micro!” WAIT that can’t be right. Ok it’s called the “DUlux Paint Pod Micro.” Ohhh ok. What does it do? It paints with automatic rollers. Simply insert the 250ml cartridge of paint into the handle and presto! Ready to go. Press the thumb delivery button and the flow of paint begins. Flowing paint, lovely roller, covered wall. You’re good to go.

You can paint a little bit, you can paint a lot.

Just insert the cartridge into the handle, click the button, and the paint begins to flow. That’s it.

That is IT.

Now you can paint your whole wall basically instantly. Cleanly.

Designer: David Boyce


Dulux Paint Pod Micro by David Boyce


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