Yanko Design

Handwash with Just a Shot

It’s the future. Don’t kid yourself – even though there’s no flying cars or Sprocket dogs or anything, we’re in the future. Do you know what that means? That means we’ve gotta be basically saving what we’ve got left before we’re so far down in resources that it’s just silly. So what’s to be done? Let’s start right here with water. This is a project called “Misting”, a hand-washing station that uses no more than a shot glass of water per handwash.

The fun bit of the process of designing this project had to have been the testing phase, as it was done primarily with pressurized air and paint sprayers. You can see just a clip of this in the second image in the gallery. The same concept is used in this project as is used in that sprayer, as the water is actually misted on the hands of the user, allowing the water to hit maximum efficiency when you’re talking about usage.

steps of conventional running tap (15sec):

- wet hand

– soap and lather

- rinse off soap

– dry hand with towel or paper towel

steps of misting (15sec):

– wet hand (pressurized air and water)

- soap and lather

– rinse off soap (presurized air and water)

– hand dryer (pressurized air)

Suigarto notes that these stations are just for handwashing at the moment, but the concept could eventually work for other things like showers, sinks, etc. Then there’s the thought of cost, since these Misting stations wouldn’t be standard at first, they’d be more expensive to install than your average fountain. But as I’m sure you’ve guessed, the shotglass of water concept in the Misting station could easily very quickly pay in otherwise used water for the amount that it cost to install initially.

Below you’ll see a wheelchair-accessable Misting station, a walking-accessable Misting station with a picture of a test model (aka a pressurized air paint sprayer), and a blown-up view of a Misting station. I just love blown-up views, don’t you?

Designer: Christian Sugiharto

Misting handwashing system by Christian Sugiharto


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