Yanko Design

Japanese Wooden Sandal Update

They don’t have rockets, they don’t transform into anything, and no, they do not have ice skates pop out the bottom of them.* What they DO have is a couple lovely innovations that designer Silvialy Tjhin was ever-so-thoughtful to include. Silvialy Tjhin created these in a class whilst at the Massachusetts College of Art and Design, where in a Methods & Materials class, was going through a lesson on woodworking machines, and Tjhin, being an ever-so-clever utilitarian, created a pair of shoes.

*So often we get caught up in the newest way to innovate on a product, like adding an iPod plugin to a coffee maker, that we forget that the oldest innovations can often be applied to the oldest items. Lots of things haven’t been thought of yet, we’ve just gotta know where to look!

This is the first update I’ve ever seen of the Japanese “geta” sandal, and when I say utilitarian, I hope I didn’t inspire anyones thoughts of utility-only non beauty! Nay! These are cute!

A few things that were updated: first, and most visibly, the outer rim of the shoe has a jagged shape to it. This has less to do with utility and more to do with modernizing the shoe to the point where a young person would wear it. Squares are out! Jagged is in! Japan is no Bauhaus! Then there’s the thong. This thong piece of the sandal is made of strong leather. Leather, when treated nicely, can last a really really really long time. Thus, what an excellent thing it is to wear. Lastly, the joint between the floor-touching wood and the top is connected using a lovely dovetail design. Never, ever to come loose again.


Designer: Silvialy Tjhin

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