Yanko Design

Trees of Frozen Material

Although technically it’s basically as far before Christmas in the year as it’s ever going to be since it JUST happened a few days ago, we here at Yanko like to celebrate every day as a holiday – and what better way to do it than with a fun DIY design? The following creations are Christmas tree lanterns designed and executed by Hugon Kowalski, and you can make one yourself! Take a peek at the materials and methods and go for it!

All you need is a lamp, natural fabric, clothes pegs, and a big PVC tube (the kind they use for plumbing in your house.) After you’ve constructed your tree as per the images below, and wet the fabric, gravity should take over and a Christmas tree will form! Place this tree outside and it’ll freeze to its shape (supposing you live in Minnesota like me, not India like Radhika – no snow oh noes!) Pretty neato!

Designer: Hugon Kowalski

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