After reading the book, we all know what Job’s day was like … no power points, long walks to trash out problems, ritual lunch with Jony Ive, inspiring sessions with A-level executives, zero tolerance for bozos and shit products, rounded off with a vegan meal. But that was Steve … what about you? YD is curious to know what is your typical day like? Better still show it to us! Send us a video of a day in your life. Grab your iPhone or music player or digicam; just any recorder and capture how you deal with creative blocks, inspirational moments, eating lunch or hanging out with your friends; any theme will do.
General Guidelines
- Record a video of what your typical day is like
- The video has to be no more than 3 minutes long
- Just have fun and basically give us an idea of how you like to spend your day
- The good, the bad, the ugly… any approach will do as long as it is authentic
Suggested Themes
- Dealing with creative blocks
- Inspirations
- Rituals that you follow
- Stuff that ticks you off
- Fun Day
- A day with you!
The Booty
- The best submissions will be featured on YD as an exclusive showcase. This is your moment to shine and show to the world how fun and creative you can be.
Submission Procedure
- You can upload your video on Youtube or Vimeo and send the link to
- Alternatively you can email us the file at
Last date for submission: 8th February 2012, midnight PST