Yanko Design

Hey Taxi!


If you’ve been keeping up with consumer technology, you may heard of Amazon’s Dash Button. Just press the button and you’ll have your groceries delivered to you instantly. Imagine if you could do that with a cab. Press a button, hail a taxi. Sounds simple? That’s because it is. The Take.Me IoT accessory is a nifty little cabbie signalling switch. Just press the button in the center and the Take.Me app on your phone connects to Easy Taxi, Uber and Lyft to get you the nearest cab. Literally at the push of a button!

To make the design foolproof, the button works only when you press it for a duration of 5 seconds. After that, press it for 3 seconds if you want to cancel the ride. Press it repeatedly to send out an emergency response. Simple, innit?

Designer: Lucas Couto



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