Yanko Design

Because store-bought coffee is so middle-class


Ever since I’ve shifted to Seattle, I’ve begun warming up to coffee. Not that instant coffee crap, the real deal… freshly ground filter coffee. Nothing your nearest Starbucks provides can match the first sip you have of coffee that’s been ground and brewed in front of your eyes, am I right? They say the best way to grind coffee beans is using a Burr Grinder. Sadly, their efficiency comes with a massive price tag and in a large monstrous avatar. The Vivi struts into the Burr Coffee Grinder market with swag. Even at half the size, Vivi promises superior quality. The circular UI (available in analog and digital variants…very accommodating!) adds to its unique appeal, making it the game-changer the caffeine market deserves!

Designer: Scott Pancioli



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