Yanko Design

Aqua Architecture!

You gotta think about how strangely pitiable the life of a fish is. It has a memory not lasting more than a few minutes, it spends its life just darting nervously around in water, eventually getting flushed down the toilet after it dies. Now for these creatures, I personally think it’s important to give them the best you can offer, so that they live moderately beautiful! Waterscapes by Haruka Misawa are a series of unusually attractive interactive sculptures that comprise or adorn the fishbowls/aquariums. They provide an aesthetic that is not just new to the marine life, but is a treat for the eyes for us too! The designs usually have an aspect of top-heaviness/instability to them, but Misawa uses water and buoyancy to make sure that these structures hold up fine underwater. The sculptural decor range from intricately designed webs to amoebic forms, to minimalist platforms, to my personal favorite, fishbowls inside fishbowls! Marine-ception, I call it! The fishbowl in fishbowl concepts look absolutely stunning, with their polished glass finish creating a strange illusion in the water. The inner fishbowls also have aur pockets and/or flora in them, making the aquarium an exotic paradise for your aquatic friends! They deserve it, don’t they, the cluelessly cute little critters!

Designer: Haruka Misawa


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