Yanko Design

Hovering H20 Headgear


They say that being underwater is the most meditative experience in the world. Shutting out all the external sound while suspended in water can be therapeutic, instantly calming you and lowering your heart rate and stress levels. That said, most humans can’t stay underwater for more than a minute or two, or they need gear to breathe underwater.

Flothetta is a simpler solution that gives you the experience of floating, without actually being underwater. The Flothetta’s floating cap allows the wearer’s head to stay suspended above the water while the rest of the body floats on the surface. The helmet’s design is incredibly simple. It has a foam lining, allowing it to maintain buoyancy. The helmet can be used independently or even with the floating thigh straps to keep your body horizontal. The Flothetta eliminates the fear of drowning because you’re on the surface of the water rather than under it, while allowing you to float/meditate for long hours… why, you could work up a beautiful tan too!

Designer: Flothetta Design

Buy It Here: $79.99 $105.00

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