Yanko Design

Phoneless Instagram is Here!


I’m ALL FOR leaving my phone behind – especially when it comes to getting out and enjoying an experience be it the beach, a hike, a concert… you get the idea. I also like photographing my experiences for social media. So, what if I wanted freedom from my phone but didn’t want to lug around a big clunky camera? The answer: Instasnap!

It’s the world’s first, small, ultra-portable camera specifically focused on creating and capturing great content for Instagram. The 12 megapixel camera mimics the Instagram logo’s compact square form and sports a minimal, one-button control. Other features include video stabilization, wind noise reduction, and it’s completely waterproof!

With its built-in SSD flash storage and wi-fi/Bluetooth capability, you can save or instantly upload your photography work… all without the distraction of a phone! DO want!

Designer: Johandré Saayman



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