Yanko Design

Seeing with Sound!


What if you could have sonar like a dolphin?! You could map the world around you all while keeping your eyes closed. Designed for those with visual impairments, Music Bond works similarly but not necessarily with sonar. The headset device uses a system of delicate 3D sensors and cameras to detect surrounding objects and obstacles. Once detected, it uses predefined sound frequencies and varying volumes to indicate size, direction and distance. With enhanced object recognition capability, it can even indicate specific object types around the user whether it’s a chair, car, or pet. Over time, users can quickly navigate and interact with objects as they build associations between object and sound. It offers individuals newfound independence and an entirely new way to perceive the world!

Music Bond uses sound transmission through the bone so the ears stay free. The higher the obstacle, the higher the sound it emits – the nearer the object, the louder the sound. A special algorithm combines notes into tonal chords in the same way computers help contemporary musicians turn algorithms into music.

Designers: Danil Tsytkin & Alexandra Postnikova



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