Yanko Design

The real-life eyedropper tool

Nix Pro Color Sensor - Animated Explainer Video

Designed to look like a diamond (cleverly linking to the diamond’s ability to break white light into millions of colors) the Nix Pro Color Sensor is a handheld device that allows you to scan/pick colors from the real world and record them, translating them into RGB, CMYK, Lab, HTML, and various other color standards, almost becoming like a dream for graphic designers, fashion designers, web designers, architects, automotive designers/CMF designers, and a whole variety of other professions.

The Nix works on using its own light spectrum measuring sensor. The black design helps keep outside light and ambient interference out, while the Nix then shines its own calibrated light on the color patch you place it on. The sensor then captures the color value and translates it into a variety of industry standards suitable for paints, prints, cosmetics, textiles, plastics, and even food industries. All the data you capture gets stored on the Nix app on your phone, eventually making your mobile a veritable trophy-room of shades and hues. Gotta catch ’em all!

Designer: Nix Sensor Ltd.


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