Yanko Design

Camping or Rafting? Or Both?


How often have you been camping and wondered how cool it would be to make your tent buoyant. Especially as a child, I would dream about chilling out on the lake in my tent. Fortunately, Evan Glassman has made that dream a reality with TRAFT – a hybrid tent/watercraft design. You can now live the dream of cruising downstream, fishing or simply commuting in this modular, packable, and insulated tent-raft. TRAFT began at the design shop of UCS-Utah Contract Sewing, in 2016, when Glassman bought a hammock and conceptualized the idea of developing a floating raft-tent-hammock in one. Evan spent a year doing further design, testing and traveling internationally to find the best raft and tent makers possible to bring the concept to fruition.

TRAFT alleviates the stress of having to bring excess gear with you on those fun-loving camping trips. The TRAFT is lightweight and packs into the perfect size for your backpack. Made from durable, long-lasting materials including advanced TPU (Thermoplastic polyurethane), TRAFT will literally let you camp on a lake! Add that to your wanderlust bucket list!

Designer: Evan Glassman


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