Yanko Design

This Camera Looks Away When You Get Home

Meet Angee

Crowdfunded back in 2015, Angee, the smart camera for your home, was tackling issues we didn’t know we had already – privacy. With the ability to rotate a full 360 degrees, Angee faces away when it realizes that you’re home. This is a fantastic solution to the paranoia of constantly being watched. Even unplugging a smart camera at home isn’t enough – the lens just glaring away, staring at you…no thanks.

As many would agree, Angee doesn’t exactly do much more than other home security cameras outside of that. But honestly, it’s a much bigger issue being addressed and the fact it was addressed in 2015 means that the folks behind Angee are moving in the right direction. Angee does require an additional device be attached to the front door to determine when it should be actively recording. Probably not the most practical alert system considering Nest and various other home cameras will detect movement automatically. However, that being said, that’s a small price to pay for the luxury of privacy.

Designer: Angee

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