Yanko Design

A perfect ‘iMac’cessory


The way the iMac Clamp Hub sits on the iMac is nothing short of fascinating. It makes use of a series of small slots running around the base (the speaker grill) to dock itself in a rather beautiful manner, flushing perfectly with the surface of the iMac’s front, while giving you the one thing Apple couldn’t. Accessibility.

Using a Type-C jack, the iMac Clamp Hub connects to your desktop, instantly giving you 3 USB ports, a Type C port, and two card reader slots (an absolute blessing if you use your iMac for photography post-processing). The beauty of the Clamp Hub is the fact that it not only gives you more ports, it gives you more ports exactly where you need them, so you’re not fumbling around to locate them on the back of the iMac. Satechi even went to lengths to ensure that the hub matched the iMac perfectly in color, material, and finish, creating products that bring true value to the users, while looking their part. Mr. Cook, do take note.

Designer: Satechi




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