Yanko Design

A Handy Cam with Super 8 Style


The guys at PDF Haus are pros at breathing new life into old products and this one’s a perfect example. They’ve taken 20th century inspiration from a Super 8 camera (the Minolta XL400) and put a modern spin on it with revamped functionality. Aesthetically it still has the that same simplistic, vintage vibe with a couple of minor enhancements like pure white cladding and ergonomic controls.

Aside from style, its other cool features include a pistol-type handle (that’s now entirely optional) for shooting live action. ISO, IRIS (F), and shutter speed can all be adjusted manually with a simple rotation of an oversized command dial.

Designers: Jaewon Choi & PDF Haus


The process of attaching the handle and anti-slip accessories on the camcorder.

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