Yanko Design

Theoretically a “cool” chair


Made from ventilation/cooling pipes, the Tubular Armchair by Lucas Munoz may theoretically be the coolest chair ever. Designed as a part of his collection ‘Objects From Interstitial Space’, Munoz hopes to bring the background to the foreground, by using materials and elements that usually are hidden from sight behind drywalls or above false ceilings, and play more of a functional role than an aesthetic one. In their new avatar, these objects that are normally hidden from visible architecture suddenly become show-stealers.

Using steel piping and elbow joints, Munoz created the curvaceous body of the chair, before using a copper panel that he shaped by hand for the seat. The entire seat is held together using aluminum rivets that help retain the raw feel of what is in fact, a beautiful, finished product!

Designer: Lucas Munoz

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