Yanko Design

Now that’s a Hot Fireplace!


Fireplaces might just be the perfect method of creating a warm, homely and cozy atmosphere within a room, but it’s fair to say that some apartment’s or house’s décor just doesn’t welcome the conventional fireplace.

‘In frame’ is a modern take on the traditional fireplace and it aims to connect the past and the present through carefully considered design. The elegant frame that surrounds the circular central section has been designed to be rotational, allowing it to be easily adjusted. This frame also creates an area to hang basic laundry, so it can dry.

In frame’s flexibility doesn’t end there, the user has the choice of either hanging it on the wall, so it mimics the location of a traditional fireplace, or having it freestanding in the center of the room. Whichever option they choose, it will be sure to make for a stunning addition to the room!

Designer: YoungGyu Kwon



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