Yanko Design

A Desk That I Wouldn’t Mind Sitting At All Day!

Technology advances and new habits are created, so it’s important for our workspaces to adapt to these changes. The Köllen Eget desk, designed by Paula Terra Bosch, encourages interaction from the user and allows them to configure a workspace that creates a personalized ambience, and is truly theirs.

This desk features an abundance of unique and innovative features that tie in beautifully with the Scandinavian design style; the most striking and noticeable of these is the unusual, hollow form of the table top, the vast empty space in the middle lends itself to storage, allowing for a clutter-free workspace.

Integrated into the top of the desk is a feature which perhaps best shows how it welcomes advancing technology, the wireless charging pad removes those annoying cables from the workspace, allowing for a ‘cleaner’ environment. This is definitely a workspace that I wouldn’t mind sitting at all day!

Designers: Oriol Campillo Mestres, Nuria Jane Ballarin, Adrian Soldado Cid and Paula Terra Bosch of Köllen Design



Köllen Eget has an integrated system of connections with 4 USB ports, 4 plugs and a wireless charger that works by induction.

The desk comes with various storage spaces offering better organization of both cables and objects. It also has a built-in magnetic board allowing the user to make notes at any time.

The product includes an ambient lighting turned on by a motion sensor; the light intensity can be gradated by exerting more or less pressure, at all times interacting with the user.

Also, the product has a sound and environment separator that can be removed when- ever desired, an placed in the lower part of the board.

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