Yanko Design

This electronic piggy bank teaches kids the value of savings

A piggy-bank isn’t much use when we are becoming an increasingly cashless society; with more of us relying almost exclusively on our plastic friends or mobile devices, we need to find another way to teach the youngest generation about the value of money!

This is exactly what Little Can does, and it goes about doing so in a particularly unique and innovative way! At the heart of the device is a friendly personality that provides a visual indicator of spending patterns; when a new deposit is made, the little device bounces up to alert the user! Little Can relies on physical interaction to be operated; shaking it will reveal the account balance, whilst twisting the base of the device allows the display to be navigated, which is located on the underside of the can! It doesn’t just have the children in mind, by connecting it to a parents mobile device, they can track and monitor their child’s spending habits, as well!

Designers: Nicol Boyd & Tomas Rosén for PUPUPULA

Principal Scenario – Savings

Key Interactions

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