Yanko Design

This washer-dehumidifier combo elevates your interiors without steaming up your home

We’ve seen an inclusive washer and dryer, a device that steam irons your clothes and purifies your home, another appliance to cleanse your air and clothes of dust and pollen. Just when you thought you’ve seen it all, we have another cool appliance to add to this list – say hello (from 6 feet away) to Drawsher which is the child of a washer and dehumidifier!

Laundry is one of the most disliked chores and so it is no surprise to me that many of us just let the clothes be in the basket till we run out of fresh underwear. It may not be stinky or filthy, but it is certainly not the most hygienic practice because you are lettings the bacteria from the clothes spill into the air around you. Also, if you don’t air out your washing machine after using it, it can lead to molds and malfunctioning of the appliance. Keeping all these details in mind, designer Kikang Kim created Drawsher which is a sanitary machine that functions as a laundry basket and a washing machine. You’ll notice that it also looks good unlike any washing machine you’ve seen before, and that is because Kim has based the design on a modern dresser that optimizes space and blends well with your interiors.

Drawsher ups your laundry game functionally and aesthetically – say goodbye to hours of sorting clothes, dealing with excessive humidity when it runs a cycle, smelly mold, and appliance upkeep. Keep scrolling to see the design process and find out why we love this washing machine that also doubles up as a sleek piece of furniture.

Designer: Kikang Kim

You don’t have to necessarily keep this washer hidden away because it is as beautiful as a stylized piece of furniture. It truly elevates your interior game without steaming up your apartment.

The main goal was to make doing laundry easier – so you can sort your clothes in the basket as you throw them in instead of sorting a big load on laundry day itself. Plus the dehumidifier helps to not steam up your apartment and clear that wet laundry smell that no Yankee candle can get rid of.

Through line drawing and paper-building, Kim was able to determine the right height for the Drawsher so it doesn’t cause any backache and continues being functional.

The build of the Drawsher is based on that of your modern dressers, it is meant to optimize space by also doubling up as your laundry basket. You don’t need a closet to keep your washer and your dirty clothes, you can have this appliance outside and now have extra space where the laundry basket/laundry room used to be – like a new shoe rack or a pantry room!

The dehumidifier is mounted at the back end of the Drawsher and keeps the laundry hygienic. It helps to keep the bad smell from the laundry baskets away and also the detergent smell when you do your laundry. Having it in-built means no humidity or steam when you use it and less upkeep of the appliance as it keeps away mold and mites.

Sorting laundry is such a tedious task and keeping 4 laundry baskets is simply inefficient. Drawsher has 4 separate compartments that let you sort dirty laundry the minute you throw it in instead of going through a whole pile later. One day, one t-shirt, one basket at a time.

The laundry drawers are seamlessly hidden without handles to keep your dirty laundry from being aired in public!

The lid of the filter is concealed with a rectangular opening so it blends in with the rest of the furniture-appliance aesthetic.

The blue color was chosen to represent freshness and the wood finishes complement it perfectly. The combination of the two is timeless and will fit in almost every interior setting. You can store laundry detergent and fabric softener on the top and control how much is to be used via the display screen.

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