Yanko Design

These tiny aluminum pods are designed keep claustrophobia away when you work!

I can’t be the only person constantly looking to upgrade my work from home space, right? It has become a big part of our lives but we may still find it tough to make it a big (physical) part of our homes and I know many people need a dedicated zone to feel productive. Keeping this big lifestyle change in mind, Dutch Invertuals has designed a series of office pods made from corrugated aluminum and wood for a Dutch holiday park operator Droomparken.

Appropriately named Tiny Offices, these compact workspaces were created in a way that they encourage freedom, creativity, and performance. The pods measure approximately 6 square meters and the raw corrugated aluminum structure features contrasting wooden doors with a large window frame on the front. “The biggest inspiration came from projects which were completely embedded in natural surroundings,” said Dutch Invertuals architect Chris Collaris and design director Wendy Plomp. “It’s almost an ‘end of the world-place’ with that big window overlooking it,” said the team and I cant help but think how fitting it is for 2020, you know the world could be ending but you have to send that email!

All the pods have custom-designed interiors in different colors and are accentuated with different materials- felt and acrylic that were picked for their functionality. “Because it is a small and intimate space, all materials should make sense. Therefore we used an acrylic wall that makes the space look more spacious, but you can also write on it,” says Collaris. It is vital to make small pods, especially if you are going to spend most of their day there, to not feel claustrophobic – this design allows for plenty of light and creates openness through details. The project was accelerated after the pandemic because there was no question about having a normal office anymore, the shift was overnight worldwide and people started to look for solutions that would not impact their productivity and help them work under the pressure of a crisis. Tiny Offices might just be the future of new normal!

Designer: Dutch Invertuals

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