Yanko Design

This underwater light can attract specific species of marine life and reduce bycatch

Pisces- Selective Fishing Underwater Light

Fishing is more than just a hobby because we know it is actually a big industry. If you are part of this business, then you know the global demand for fish and the need to improve on culturing, taking, preserving, and transporting methods. Marketing and selling fish products are also part of the process, meaning the industry needs to improve significantly in many areas. There have been enhancements in how fishers catch their fish for centuries, and this involves getting the right gear and equipment, especially in commercial fishing. Unfortunately, there are several known issues because many people don’t have the proper tools or knowledge to fish more efficiently and sustainably, but good thing there are clever inventions and innovations like the Pisces.

Designer: SafetyNet Technologies

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Pisces Selective Fishing Light Design

Pisces Selective Fishing Underwater Light

There have been several worthy and successful solutions, but many fishermen worldwide have yet to try them. If you want to improve industrial fishing and increase the volume of catch, check out Pisces—a kit of underwater torches used to illuminate industrial fishing nets. These are not just ordinary LED lights; they also combine wavelengths to deter some fish species from being caught.

While getting more fish than what you expect sounds ideal, the truth is, you can always get ‘bycatch’, which means many of the efforts are just wasted. More often than not, the target catch isn’t caught, sometimes leaving more environmental and economic problems for the ocean and the fishermen. The project Pisces can help reduce the issues and effects encountered by anyone involved in the fishing business including sorting time.

Designed by SafetyNet Technologies, the Pisces Selective Fishing Underwater Light aims to reduce the impact of bycatch in the marine ecosystem by 90%. This can help avoid the common fines imposed on fishing crews, wasted effort, and even lost revenue. By having illuminated lights for fishing that can help attract fish, there is no unnecessary damage to the fish stocks and marine biodiversity. The 10 LED lights part of each Pisces kit can allow the crew to precisely fish and adapt to regulations. Fishing more sustainably is more possible now with Pisces, thanks to the kit’s many benefits, including adaptability and robustness and the capability to work in different fisheries.

The Pisces can change color, flash rate, and intensity so you can achieve more positive and significant effects. It can be effective and efficient in different fisheries in many countries as the system is low maintenance. It is also designed to survive the harshest sea and fishing conditions as every light is made robust. Each light is shaped like a puck and is neutrally buoyant; you won’t even notice it’s there, especially if the light is turned off. It is also charged wirelessly while in its holding case and is very easy to use, especially with the remote control. What we also find amazing about the project is that the lights collectively won’t interfere with other fishing gear.

The Selective Fishing Underwater Light lets you choose between six colors: cyan, blue, deep blue, red, white, and green. There are also four flashing rates and four brightness settings for customization. A single change for each light can give you up to 270 hours of usage and can fit most types of fishing gear. You can also choose between two different depth rating options whether 300m or 800m depending on the body of water near you.

The company behind this adds a two-year warranty and full scientific and technical support should you wish to buy a set. This project was actually submitted to last year’s Design Intelligence Award (DIA 2021) and was given an Honorable Mention. If you have a project or design similar to the Pisces, you may want to submit and share your ideas. Click here to enroll for the 2022 Design Intelligence Awards FOR FREE!

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