Smart home security today is mostly about things we can see, from the people approaching our doorsteps to the things that go bump in the dark at night. While that might be the easiest way to identify visible things, it hardly encompasses all the things that could happen inside the house, whether you’re there or not. More often than not, the things that matter most can only be heard, whether it’s the cry of an infant or the shattering of a window. For these events, smart home cameras are really not enough, especially considering their limited presence. Fortunately, the solution is both simple yet also ingenious, as this small and rather cute smart home monitor proves.
Designer: Earzz
Click Here to Buy Now: $72 $100 (30% off). Hurry, only 279/400 left!
Some smart home security cameras do have audio detection that alerts you when something’s happening at home, even when you’re far away. It’s an all-or-nothing deal, however, and leaves it up to you to figure out what’s really happening out of sight. There’s also often a limit to the number of cameras you install around the house, often directly at security-critical spots only. All in all, these smart devices can’t cover the whole breadth of sounds around the house, especially the ones that you need to be aware of.
Earzz offers a smarter way to keep your home safe and secure in a tiny package no bigger than the palm of your hand. That makes it easy to put it anywhere it’s needed, whether beside a window or on a kitchen countertop, without calling too much attention to itself. Both its size and its price make it possible to have a whole army of these around your house, becoming your virtual ears that are always on alert for important sounds, from the whistling of a kettle to the opening of the pet door.

In the Kitchen – Appliance beeps, water running, timers, alarms, whistles & latches and even fire and smoke alarms for added peace of mind.

In the Nursery – Crying, coughing, baby gates opening or closing, offering peace of mind for parents.
What makes Earzz truly special, however, is the expanding library of sounds that feeds into its AI, allowing it to identify and listen only to specific sounds. Each monitor can be set to be attentive to a specific set of sounds, allowing you to be more precise and more efficient in listening to what’s happening around it. Once it hears that sound, it fires off a notification to your phone instantly, even when you’re not at home, including information such as the type of sound and when it was heard. All of these settings, of course, can be tuned and controlled from Earzz’s mobile app, available for both iOS and Android devices.
Since this smart home monitor listens only to sounds and not human speech, Earzz has the privacy advantage over smart speakers that need to be constantly attentive to what humans nearby are saying. Once sound clips are identified, the sound clips as recorded are automatically deleted from the device. Earzz also uses advanced security and encryption to ensure that any data that goes to and from the device is safe from prying eyes and ears.
We live in a world that’s full not only of sights but also of sounds, some of which are more important than others when it comes to home security. Rather than relying simply on what a few security cameras can tell you, the Earzz smart home monitor truly keeps an ear out for the sounds that matter to you. For just $71, which includes the Earzz Standard subscription upgrade for free for Super Early Bird backers on Kickstarters, you can have the peace of mind that comes with knowing what is happening at home, even if you’re not around to hear it.
Click Here to Buy Now: $72 $100 (30% off). Hurry, only 277/400 left!