Acer Wave 7 Wi-Fi 7 Mesh Router brings a less stressful design to your desk

As our Internet needs grow, so do the power and complexity of the networking devices we have at home. Strangely, however, the more powerful routers become, the more intimidating they seem to be. Many seem to have fully embraced the tech and gamer culture that would put futuristic-looking designs on a pedestal, whether they look like spaceships or alien mechanical monstrosities. That, unfortunately, forces many homeowners to choose between these powerful yet menacing designs and minimalist yet outdated hardware. Fortunately, manufacturers are also beginning to take note of the gap between these two extremes and are producing designs like the Acer Wave 7 that blends the latest technologies with an almost Zen-like aesthetic.

Designer: Acer

The spec sheet of the Acer Wave 7 definitely looks formidable, employing the latest Wi-Fi 7 standard to support the demands of modern Internet-connected devices, be they Smart TVs for streaming, laptops for work, or smartphones for gaming. Those capabilities include support for super-fast and super-wide 6GHz bandwidth with support for older 2.4GHz and 5GHz bands for older devices. It also utilizes 320 MHz lanes for double the transmission rates, which, along with Multi-Link Operation (MLO), ensures all connected devices get the Internet data they need quickly and reliably.

It also has not just one or two Ethernet ports but four, giving the ability to support multiple high-speed wired connections to computers, TVs, and smart home appliances. Of course, not all devices are created equal and need the same amount of data at a rapid speed, so the Wave 7’s smart Hybrid QoS bandwidth management makes sure that data-hungry services like games and video conferencing are prioritized over social media scrolling.

These are features that many routers these days support, but what makes the Acer Wave 7 distinctive is its design. Instead of a black horizontal box with many sharp-looking antennas sticking up from it, this router is tall, slim, and white. And it isn’t a boring minimalist design either. The grilles on its side stay true to its name with their undulating lines, creating what looks like a rippling water not unlike what you’d see in Zen gardens.

It’s admittedly a simple and subtle design cue, but one that immediately changes the atmosphere in a given space. The imagery it triggers has a psychological calming effect, giving your eyes and brain a visual respite from all the cold and impersonal designs you might have in your home or office.