Motorola Razr+ 2024 foldable phone upgrades might be invisible to the naked eye

After a short lull, we are entering the second half of this year’s batch of smartphones, most of which will be focused on foldable designs. While Samsung naturally grabs the spotlight, it’s hardly the only game in town. Motorola will try to beat Samsung to the punch next week when it reveals the latest iteration of the spiritual successor to its iconic RAZR clamshell, a foldable phone that some might even consider to have a better design. It seems, however, that expectations need to be tempered a little, as the 2024 Razr+, or the Razr 50 Ultra in other markets, might not carry any visible mark of being a new model, as the improvements will mostly be internal and invisible, at least based on this latest leak.

Designer: Motorola (va @MysteryLupin)

To give credit where credit is due, Motorola has always taken the bolder stance when it came to the design of its clamshell foldable. It was the first to use a large second screen on its back, and it’s now the only one that has a Cover Display that, well, covers the entire surface of the phone’s upper back. There will always be debates on whether having two holes on that screen for the cameras is better or worse than the tab-like cutout on the Galaxy Z Flip, but there’s little argument that it opens the door to more functionality, including displaying the same app on the outside that runs inside.

This signature feature of the Motorola Razr+ line isn’t going to change this year apparently, not even to slightly increase the screen size (the base Motorola Razr/Motorola 50, however, is getting the full-screen treatment this year). In fact, you might not be able to distinguish the 2023 and 2024 models just by looking at them. Of course, there will be upgrades, but most of them are the invisible features of the phone, and we’re not talking just about specs.

For example, this year’s Motorola foldable will bump up the water protection, though worryingly at the cost of dust protection. According to a leaked promotional video, the Motorola Razr+ (2024) will have an IPX8 rating that’s more in line with what Samsung offers. That means it will survive an accidental dip in a pool or sink, but there’s no guarantee it will be protected from dust or smaller particles. Unfortunately, some might argue that the latter is actually more fatal to foldable phones and their hinges than water damage.

There’s also an indication that one of the cameras will finally have a telephoto lens, but the number of cameras won’t be increasing by one either. That suggests that Motorola will either ditch the regular “wide” camera or the ultra-wide shooter, though the latter is probably more likely. Again, it trades one feature for another, and hopefully, the benefits will far outweigh the sacrifices for Motorola’s customers. The Motorola Razr+ or Razr 50 is expected to debut next week.