Meditation device concept hides earbuds inside to help shut off external noise

When I want to shut out the outside world and just focus, I put on a pair of noise-cancelling earphones. Sometimes I also want to meditate and since I live in an area where outside noise is constant, earphones and headphones are pretty helpful. What if you actually have a device that is primarily meant to help you meditate, relax, and get in touch with your inner self, with listening to music just being a secondary function?

Designer: Suosi Design

Medispace is a concept for a meditation device inspired by the singing bowls from the Himalayas. Just like the Tibetan bowls that are meant to help you relieve stress and get into your inner self by tapping and touching it, this device is meant to do that but with an urbanite twist. The device is small enough to fit into your palm so it’s easy to make it “sing” as you try to meditate. And what makes it more modern is that there are noise-canceling earbuds that you can use to fully immerse yourself in your meditation.

The device is able to simulate more than ten kinds of singing bowl sound changes. This makes you feel like you are actually using one of those Tibetan bowls as you touch and tap the metal disc on top of the Medispace. Inside, it functions more like a charging case for your earbuds which are part of your meditative experience. Medispace itself looks like a night cream moisturizer container which makes sense since that can also be part of your self-care routine. The earbuds look like your typical listening device but a bit bigger and with a seemingly textured/pebbled surface.

It’s an interesting concept to combine a meditative device with earbuds. But since we live in a world that offers up a lot of distractions, we need all the help we can get to shut off the outside world every once in a while and focus on things like deep breathing, meditation, and our inner lives.