Headphones concept reimagines comfort with clear silicone headbands

Even with the popularity and ubiquity of wireless earbuds, many audiophiles and gamers still have a soft spot for over-ear headphones. Despite their bulkiness, they still promise better noise isolation and fuller sounds, which is to be expected given their size. They are also expected to be less comfortable to wear over longer periods of time, despite many attempts at using different materials and even designs. This concept design for an aptly named “Comfortably Headphones” takes another stab at that problem, but its solution is more ambitious and, if we’re being honest, less practical. Then again, having a flexible and transparent silicone band is sure to get you some attention, at least during the time you’re comfortably wearing them.

Designers: Belrtarducci, Garabatfire (MinimalChat Studio)

Headphone headbands have always been solid and rigid for a reason. They need to provide sufficient structure and support to hold the large and heavy ear cups together while also ensuring the whole device sits securely on your head. That said, that same rigidity is one of the biggest sources of discomfort for users, and many designers have tried to alleviate the issue with comfortable fabrics or soft materials wrapped around the band or, better yet, make the band slightly more bendable to accommodate different head shapes.

This design concept, however, throws tradition out the window completely by replacing the usual metal bands with nothing but silicone, a material known for its flexibility and plasticity. Silicone can retain the shape it was formed into during production, but it can also slightly bend and even twist with enough force. It won’t perfectly conform to everyone’s head shapes, but it will at least put less pressure on your head while you’re wearing it, at least in theory.

It isn’t just regular silicone that was chosen for this design either; it is a transparent variety. This creates reflections and refractions that add a unique visual flavor to the headphones. At least under some light, it creates more playful and more natural rainbow colors better than what any RGB LED lighting can provide. Of course, it doesn’t do much in the dark, but even the organic form of shadows can become a source of fascination.

Sadly, such a mesmerizing design does have its share of flaws, particularly with the longevity of silicone as a material. It can warp and deform over time, and discoloration is a common phenomenon with “clear” silicone products. Then there’s also the fact that wires bridging the two halves of the headphones mars the transparent beauty of the silicone band unless the headphones are completely wireless even internally. At that point, however, the benefits of such large audio equipment become moot, and people might as well switch to lighter earbuds. Of course, you could just create a solid, opaque silicone band, but then where would be the fun in such a design?