Honor’s Ridiculously Slim Magic V3 Folding Phone grabs a Guinness World Record by sitting on a House of Cards

Bryan Berg, the renowned American architect and card-stacking virtuoso, has once again pushed the boundaries of human ingenuity and set a new world record for the tallest house of cards. This extraordinary achievement, accomplished in a mere eight hours, has a tech spin to it. Sitting atop this colossal 54-level card tower is Honor’s Magic V3 foldable phone. Aside from being the world’s thinnest phone, measuring just 4.35mm when opened completely (that’s thinner than the 2024 iPad Pro), the phone clocks in at just 226 grams… that was enough for Berg to gingerly place it on top of his record-setting colossal structure – constructed without the aid of glue, wiring, or any metalwork.

The Guinness World Records adjudicator, Thomas Bradford, was on hand to witness this extraordinary feat and certify the new record. The challenge was far from straightforward, as Berg required a near-airtight environment with high humidity to ensure the cards’ cooperation throughout the building process. To achieve these conditions, seven humidifiers were set up in the room, creating a rather stuffy atmosphere for the crew tasked with capturing the momentous occasion on film.

Undeterred by the challenging environment, Berg worked tirelessly for the majority of the eight-hour period, taking only brief pauses for hydration and sustenance. His consistent pace, averaging five or six levels per hour, culminated in the placement of the HONOR Magic V3 atop the completed structure, signaling the end of his monumental endeavor… but more importantly, redefining the term ‘ultralight’ in the context of foldables and tech in general.

Berg’s latest record-breaking achievement adds to his impressive track record of card-stacking accomplishments. His previous record for the tallest playing card structure, standing at 7.86 meters, has remained unbroken since 2007. Over the years, Berg has consistently pushed the limits of his craft, repeatedly breaking and reestablishing his own world records. This attempt, in collaboration with HONOR, also sets a record just before the company takes the stage at IFA 2024 to showcase its products for the year.