There are a lot of different kinds of bags in the market, whether you’re looking for a luxury bag, a small and handy bag that’s easy to carry around, a tote bag that can carry a lot of things, a backpack, shoulder bag, etc. But there are probably not that many bags designed specifically for designers to carry all their swatches, materials, and project finishes around to present to their clients.
Designer: Jordan Cammarata
Swatch is a bag that was created for that very purpose. It’s branded as the “ultimate carryall for creatives”. The entire kit has a bag, a pouch, and even a mat that you can use to display the materials you’re carrying around. Not only does it make easy to bring all these things around for your presentation or for client approval, it organizes it in a way that is neat and presentable.
It is made from canvas and when closed and secure and seen from the front, it looks like any other tote or carry all bag. When you open it up, that’s when the magic happens. There are pockets to place your swatches, materials, and all other things that you need for your presentation. The mat makes sure that it looks more professional when you lay everything out, and protects the materials as well.
I’m not a designer and I don’t carry around swatches and materials but I do have a lot of stuff that I want to be organized, like my journaling stuff. While it’s not designed for “ordinary” people like me, there are also other ways that non-designers will be able to utilize a bag like this.