Imagine yourself on that lukewarm desert highway. The year: 2020. The time of day: dusk. You’re cruzin USA, thinkin nothing can harm a hombre like you in a place like this. Just then you see the flashing lights of a RT20 police mobile. You lay on the gas, thinking noone can catch you, “el Mexico!” But you just got served. Served up cold. Because you just got passed. By the RT20 highway patrol.
Holy crap who gets passed by the police? You lamer!
But down to business. Designer Mathieu Lewis on the high-hat with the RT20 future car. The RT20 is a car of many faces, so I’ll paraphrase. It’s got a Liquid Hydrogen Injected Twin Turbo V6 engine. Super-Insulated fuel storage tank to keep the Liquid Hydrogen in a liquid state. Electromagnetic shock absorbers with the spring rate adjustable by charge sent to magnets.
Adjustable seat for either track or public road use (see below). The seat and controls are all contained in a movable pod. This pod can move to the center, left, or right of the car, making it able to easily adjust to any road system in the world.
The RT20 Highway Patroller. Police configured RT20 vehicle. Special “Fear Striking” paint job. Other features upon request. (Gonna have to ask Lewis, very secret!)
Finally, the key. Place in dash to activate car. Stored in key is drivers license, medical vitals, and vehicle date. If a crash should occur, the key flashes and yells and screams until someone on the accident scene picks it up. The key then gives them all the info they need – on the car, on the person, on the crash – it records the last 10 minutes of the car’s activity at all times.
So no racing! Little brother is watching.
Designer: Mathieu Lewis