Clouds from the sky he used, and colors from the atmosphere. He would with two hands attach them to eachother, and with maybe the help of a string or two, to the ceiling hold them. The kids would find them fort-like, and the mother of juice-stains find them easy to clean, as this is a detachable grid of replaceable fabric pieces; tiles, if you will.
Kvadrat “Clouds” would he call them. And neat they would be. One is invariably reminded of any number of gallery installation artists when one sees these clouds in action. They’re made in 2 different Kvadrat fabrics, produced in 7 color combinations. Attached to one-another by special rubber bands.
What I mention above about cleaning is this: as a person who is prone to spilling things that stain easily, I try to ask the hard-hitting questions about how I’m going to get this thing in the washing machine. Since this is a tile system, it’ll be easy: detach one, replace it, and put the stained tile in the washer.
I find this decoration system to be quite attractive.
Designers: Ronan and Erwan Bouroullec in collaboration with Kvadrat Textiles