Prick of The Syrinx

The Sphinx is an ancient mythological creature that sits around all fabulous looking with a feline body and a human head. The “Syrinx” is a…

Wood Yacht Fantasy

I almost titled this post “Orange Yacht Fantasy” because the redness in the seats throughout this fabulous ship. It really brings out this yellow tones…

Car Height Bike Ride

This bike mimics the height at which you sit when you’re in a mid-sized car. That right there is amazing an innovation enough for me…

Airship Reality 2010

Immediately I was reminded of Fhloston Paradise, floating airship of holiday in the film The Fifth Element. This is a bit different than that though,…

Clip-on Fin to Turn to Aquaman

Of course, there’s a catch, you’ve gotta have a missing lower limb first to use this particular silicone appendage. This project is an orthopaedic swimming…