
Dare To Dream Luxury?

Recession time over or not, you need to pull up your socks and work your butt to afford the sweet luxuries of life. The happy…

Audi Avatar Supercar

This is the car that, as the designer describes, is the car and the embodiment of fun that rightfully belongs to the “computer generation.” Am…

Rolling Down The Hill

eRinGo is predictably this rotund vehicle that can go from a one-wheel car to a three-wheeler, depending upon the deep curves you wish to take….

Turtle Wrench

Bloody ol’ genius that’s what we’ve got here! It’s a new way to take off a tire. Stick with me here, this is really neat….

Fixies Light Up!

Yay for buttons! I’m basically in love with anything that with a switch, click, or pull can activate a system or complete a circuit. Here…