Product Design

Visible Keys

Wow Clear is a keyboard cover that magnifies the letterings and also provides OLED backlighting. The concept germinated from the thought process that as we…

Fire Away!

I’m a little embarrassed to admit I have no idea how to use a common fire extinguisher… but I know I’m not the only one!…

Twisty Lever Light

Appropriately named the “Mechanical Light,” this industrial desktop lamp is stripped down to the bare minimum for a stark, minimal, yet fun and brightly colored…

What an extinguisher should be…

We generally imagine fire extinguishers as large, bulky, single-use items kept behind safety glass. Though they’re built for emergency situations, they’re ironically not something you’re…

Bath Toys

BatheXercise is a fun way to de-stress and stay fit at the same time. What these cute guys (kawaii!) are doing is using the BatheXercise…

Wood and Light Origami

Inspired by paper origami, the Folded lighting series by Ariel Zuckerman folds, stretches, and twists wooden veneer sheets to create impossible-looking three dimensional shapes. The…

A Family of Card-Sized Tools

Tools are designed to help solve our every day problems: measuring problems, bolt-tightening problems, furniture-assembling problems, rim-straightening problems, even bottle-opening problems. What separates a merely…