
Opel Boomerang Bike

The RAD e builds a bridge from the automaker Opel’s origins in bicycle manufacturing to its current position as the transportation producer of the future….

Monocasco Again!

The Monocasco Concept Bike is an electric version inspired by the original Ossa monocasco bike of Santiago Herrero. Reliving the legacy of the legendary Sabtiago,…

The Tool Trike

Designed to maximize efficiency in industrial workplaces, the Tool Trike provides a lightweight, eco-friendly and easy-to-use way of lugging around small (but often cumbersome and…

Trike Chair

This interesting design aims to fulfill two very distinct functions: recreational biking and seating! At first glance, the C-Bike is just a chair on wheels,…

Hubless Wonder

Miroslav Hundak’s FB R2000S concept is loosely based on the BMW R1200S, a Boxer model renowned for sporting performance and dynamic riding characteristics. The athletic…

The Grasshopper

The motivation behind the El Tucura (The Grasshopper) trike was to give paraplegic users the opportunity to enjoy the thrill of off-road downhill mountain biking,…