This Smart Bulb Turns Any Lamp into a Dazzling Gradient Light Show – Moonside Star Bulb
Lighting has always been about utility—switch it on, illuminate a space, move on. But every so often, a product flips the script, reminding us that…
Lighting has always been about utility—switch it on, illuminate a space, move on. But every so often, a product flips the script, reminding us that… “Filo is not just a light bulb, it’s a platform.” What Filo does is allow you to integrate various modular elements into the light…
What could a ruler, light, and watch possibly have in common? In this case, the answer is IMPERFECTION! The “Reasonable Imperfection” collection of common objects…
Part of the latest generation of Philips LED bulbs, the SlimStyle LED 60 W bulb leverages its uniquely flat surface to conduct heat away from…
First came the incandescent bulb. Then the CFL light, then the LED bulb, and then the Smart LED bulb. What’s the next step of innovation…
Don’t be deceived by the name, the Luminous Blulb isn’t a lightbulb at all. From the core to the exterior, it’s composed entirely of silicone…
Already being used as a large-scale power source for housing heating/cooling & biodiesel creation, algae as a natural energy source is one of the more…
The following project is called “Poetry of Efficiency” and it is very poetic indeed. Created by Tom Strala, this lamp seeks to address the line…
History suggests that over twenty inventors worked toward the creation and design of the light bulb. Of these, Thomas Edison’s version was the most efficient….